February is Black History Month, a time that recognizes the historic and ongoing struggles toward racial equality and celebrates the experiences and accomplishments of Black Canadians. Today, we are highlighting a number of Black-owned publications, organizations and community resources in Brantford. Tourism Brantford invites you to follow along and share your own stories on social media using the hashtag #BHMBrantford.
BTOWN (co-published by Amanda Mersereau) is a Brantford-based digital publication that is committed to highlighting the people, projects and activities that make our area unique. Their most recent article “Towards understanding and acceptance – Unite Against Hate is helping locals learn black history 365 days a year” is a perfect read for Black History Month. Amanda and Chris, together with the rest of the team at BTOWN, often work to publish stories that highlight minority groups such as women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities in Brantford. Along with showcasing grassroots initiatives such as handmade/vintage flea markets, indie music shows, local arts, and community driven programs such as BL's Little Free Pantry. For more information and some great read, visit thebtown.ca.
In June of 2020 Unite Against Hate (UAH) was started by Amanda Mersereau and partner Chris George after the murder of George Floyd. “There's nothing [else] here in Brantford that really has this focus,” she says. “We didn't really know exactly how we were going to reach the community, and it just kind of ended up being through the lens of education, which I think is a very important first step towards understanding and acceptance.” The UAH website is a great starting point for anyone looking to take the first steps or grow their knowledge with lots of book recommendations and resources about local Black History and social justice. During Black History Month, Unite Against Hate will be presenting interactive and empowering events, additional resources for Brantford's Black History education, and other important learning opportunities. To learn more, visit uniteagainsthate.ca.
zBTFD is a Black-owned community-minded arts movement highlighting grassroots artists, designers, writers and creators in and around the Brantford & the County of Brant area. zBTFD runs a number of different creative initiatives including:
To learn more, visit zbtfd.ca.
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