The deadline for submitting your nominations for the 17th Annual Brantford Sports Council Sports Awards and Recognition Program is fast approaching. The Awards recognize the outstanding achievements of local athletes, coaches, volunteers, teams, officials and sponsors who are actively involved in and support youth sports in our community.
Nominations for 2022 will be accepted until February 10, 2023 for the following awards:
Nomination forms and criteria for each award are available on the Brantford Sports Council website.
The 17th Annual Sports Awards and Recognition Program will be held on Saturday March 11, 2023 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. More details to come to reserve your tickets for this inspiring event that recognizes the achievements of local sports.
The Brantford Sports Council is a collaboration of sport organizations that work cooperatively to provide a collective voice for the ongoing development, education and promotion of the benefits of sport in our community.
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