Cyclists riding on a paved trail through the woods

With over 70km of natural trails winding along the Grand River, and 18 km of bike lanes throughout the City, Brantford has become a premier destination for cyclists. Enjoy Brantford’s rich natural landscapes and spend some time browsing our local amenities, like culturally diverse food and drink options and a multitude of museums and heritage sites along the trail system.

Trail Map

Check the City of Brantford's trail map for an overview of our trail system.

Brantford Rotary Bike Park

The Brantford Rotary Bike Park (“Bike Park”) is free to use and offers a wide selection of opportunities and challenge levels for beginners and advanced riders alike. There is free parking on-site as well as nearby washrooms and access to the City's extensive trail network.

The Bike Park provides an added challenge for cyclists. Built with expertise, craftsmanship and attention to detail, the bike park is a full day of fun for riders of all abilities with beginning, intermediate and advanced jumps, trails, pump tracks and a skills area. Visit the Brantford Rotary Bike Park website for more information, including rules and difficulty levels.

Bicycle Friendly Businesses

There are 20+ bicycle-friendly businesses in Brantford that have been certified as bicycle-friendly by Ontario by Bike. This means cyclists can count on secure bike lock-up areas, local cycling information on-hand, healthy local food options, access to rest areas and water and basic bicycle repair tool sets (accommodations only).  

Bike Shops

Need to get in gear? Brantford has bike shops to get you rolling, whether you're looking for a bike repair or rental.  A1 Cycle is a full service bicycle and pro scooter shop, dedicated to helping people get out to enjoy the great outdoors. Heron Head Bikes sells, buys, fixes, trades and rents bicycles as well as parts and accessories. They are conveniently located two blocks from the Grand River Loop